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Amy Roberts

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Amy Roberts


As many of you would know, in May last year my brother was diagnosed with advanced liver cirrhosis,  caused by alcohol. He fought and fought,  but the disease had already progressed too far and sadly he passed in March this year. 
Watching him go through this illness was just awful. It truly is a horrible disease and a torturous way to die. 
While most of us have heard of liver cirrhosis it was startling how little information was out there about what to expect in the end stages of the disease. 
 So this year i really want to raise awareness about the importance of our livers and how to look after them.  As well as raise some much needed funds for the Liver Foundation in honour of my bro.
I'm no stranger to alcohol abuse and so this is also my chance to get myself back onto a healthier track and make my brother proud. 
Please support me anyway you can or feel comfortable.  Whether that is by a donation to this important cause,  or by checking on how my training is going and giving me a kick up the butt, it will all make a difference. 
Thank you so much for any support you can provide. 

In loving memory of Bryce Roberts.  28 May 1974 - 17 March 2022

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The Liver Foundation

Your fundraising saves lives.

The Liver Foundation exists to address the spectrum of liver disease from very mild disease in the community, right through to advanced liver disease. This is people requiring liver transplantation and people with severe complications of liver disease, including liver cancer.

Liver cancer is the fastest growing cause of cancer in Australia and it has a devastatingly low survival rate. Only 1 in 5 people diagnosed with liver cancer in Australia survive more than 5 years. This is a devastating outcome and one we are committed to changing.

Currently 1 in 3 Australians have some form of liver disease, and most of them don't know it. There is a great deal that can be done to reverse, treat and even cure liver diseases - but the first step is awareness.

When you fundraise for us you also help to spread the word about liver disease. Thank you.

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