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In 2021 It is estimated around 1,900 people in Australia were diagnosed with brain cancer and about 1,530 people died. Brain cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in children, and adults aged under 40 in Australia. 
But malignant tumours are estimated to be only around 30% of all brain tumours. No brain tumour is benign and all brain tumour patients can have severe impacts from their disease.
This year a small group of brain tumour patients, and family and friends of patients are coming together to raise funds for a great organisation - the Brain Tumour Alliance Australia. We have all been helped in some way by the BTAA and we want to raise funds to say Thank You and to support other patients, their families and friends.

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    Brain Tumour Alliance Australia

    Brain Tumour Alliance Australia (BTAA) was established in 2008 and is run by volunteers. BTAA aspires to be the national brain tumour support organisation, focussing on support for the brain tumour patient and their carers, and the oft-forgotten families of patients, which brain tumours affect.BTAA is a not for profit organisation and supports patients with any brain tumour (neoplasm) affecting the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the meninges, brain, and spinal cord.Paediatric and adult tumours, malignant and so-called benign tumours, and metastatic brain tumours are all supported. BTAA believes that brain tumours represent a neglected illness, which places enormous challenges on the patient and family and requires a unique response, and a much-increased research effort supported by the community and governments.BTAA has a broad membership and subscriber database that includes health professionals and academics with a particular interest in brain tumours.BTAA works closely with the International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA), including in its promotion of the annual International Brain Tumour Awareness Week, and the annual Walk Around the World for Brain Tumours.

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